How to Get Accepted to CPAlead

How to Get Accepted to CPAlead

Many people continue to write to me still asking how they can get accepted to Even though I wrote a previous post Get Approved to CPAlead it seems people are still getting denied when they sign up with Many times I have heard people say that you don’t need a domain name to get accepted to the network. I think that’s false! I might not be 100% right but I think the odds are stacked against you if you don’t have your own domain.
Also make sure that you don’t have any copyright material on your site OR in your domain name. So please make sure you have a decent domain name before applying to and watch the video below and then submit your application here!

Tips, tricks, methods

Tips / Tricks / Methods for

This thread is made to focus on CPALead, but many of the tips, tricks and methods will work for MANY CPA Companies and Affiliate Marketing in General.
I will cover everything from Signing Up and Getting Approved for CPALead, to Customizing Your Gateways, Getting FREE Traffic, and any other methods to make money with CPA I come across.
In addition to CPALead, which is for Mainstream Websites, I may mention AdultAccessNow, which is for Adult Content. They are both essentially the same thing. All methods should work for both of the networks. All or most of these tips should be able to be adapted for both.
If you want to Post your Own Methods, or ask any questions, please feel free. I am not a Guru or anything, just a regular guy, but I will do research and help you with anything I can. Please do not post to argue, if you don’t find this thread helpful for your particular needs, just close it
What IS CPALead?
CPALead is an Incentive CPA Network that works exclusively with a “Content Blocker” Gateway. This Gateway forces Users/Visitors to complete a CPA Offer before accessing your site, downloading files, watching movies etc. When they complete the survey or offer, you get paid! The payments are usually around $0.50 and $1.00 for regular surveys, and $3.00 to $7.00 for mobile offers.
I personally think CPALead is the easiest CPA Network to get started in, due to their amazing tools, and ease of integration into any existing website or blog. They even have a wordpress plugin to install, which lets you select if you want to block certain categories, posts etc.
Here is the official link to the wordpress plugin:
WordPress › Official WordPress Plugin WordPress Plugins
Here is a step-by-step guide to creating your first Gateway, and integrating it into your site so you can start earning!

1. Log in to your account.
2. Click on “Widgets”.
3. Click on “Create New Widget”.
4. Select Content Type, what type of content do you want to block?
5. Look for “Create Widget” and click “Webpage Containing Digital Images/Ebooks” etc for example to start.
6. Use the arrows to choose a gateway style you like. We will work on Custom Designs Later. After choosing, click continue.
7. Leave the default box clicked. Click Continue.
8. Leave the defaults click for now, and Click Continue.
9. Access time: How Long Do you want users to have access for after completing 1 offer? 0 is forever.
10. Tease Time: How Long Before the Gateway Pops Up? 0 is instantly. 0 is best for start.
11. Click Continue.
12. Leave the defaults, and Click Continue.
13. Name your Widget “Test” or something similar, its not important. Click Continue.
14. Scroll down and click “I agree, Create this Widget.”
15. “Invite a Friend” Will pop-up, just click Cancel for now.
16. Leave the default boxes, and Click “Generate Code.”
17. Copy/Paste the script after <head> and before the </head> tags on the web site to be protected.
18. You may have to insert the code on every HTML page, if you are running WebSite based entirely in HTML.
19. Test your site. After Saving/ReUploading the Web Pages with the Code, Visit Your Site.
Thats it. Now just get some traffic to your site, and watch the money come in. On Average, Even with random traffic, 1 in 50 visitors who see the Gateway will complete an offer. With Targeted Traffic, Usually 1 in 6 will complete an offer.

Applying and Getting Approved:
Many people are afraid to apply for CPALead. It is true, they are strict on who they accept, but getting accepted is easy!
1. Be Honest.
2. Tell them about your past work with other CPA companies.
3. List the best blogs you own.
4. If you run an adult blog, apply to AdultAccessNow instead. CPALead is NOT for adult content.
5. Tell them if you will use PPC, Adwords, Banner Ads etc.
6. Tell them if you study other blogs or forums always looking for the best new methods to make money.
7. Make sure you tell them that you are HONEST.
Thats pretty much all you need to say, if you get rejected, just apply again in 3 days with some minor changes, and even email them to ask WHY you got rejected.
Website Information:
Main Website: List your Most Visited, Best LOOKING website. Hopefully a .Com website if you have one.
Website Category: Choose the Category which best fits your website.
Daily Views: Estimate, and choose what a “Good Day of Traffic” is for your site.
Where did you hear about us? Warrior Forums
Website Description: Tell them all about your website currently AND any plans for the future you have.
Please describe how you will get your users to complete our surveys: This is where you can tell them about your past work with other CPA Companies, about your PPC tactics, about your unique content etc.
If you do not already have a website, or you are looking to start a brand new website dedicated entirely to CPALead, this post is for you. I will show you step by step how to create the most basic CPALead Ready Site, that can actually make you good money!

Step 1: Copy the following Code to a new Notepad file.
<TITLE>CPALead Website</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=”Content-Type” CONTENT=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″>
<META NAME=”keywords” CONTENT=”CPALead Website”>
<META NAME=”description” CONTENT=”CPALead Website”>
<body background=”image1.jpg”>
<FONT size=2></FONT>
Step 2: Decide what Niche/Type of site you want to run. Most popular are Celebrity Images, Streaming Movies, Hot New Music etc.
Step 3: Edit the Title, Keywords, and Description of the Code you copied in Step 1 to Match the Niche of the site you want to run.
Step 4: Use Google Images to Search for a Large Background Image that matches the Niche of the site you will run. Type “Britney Spears Background” for example, if you were running a site related to Britney Spears.
Step 5: Copy the location of the image, and replace “image1.jpg” with your new image location.
Step 6 For An Image Site: If you will do an Image Site, find the images you want to use, and place them into the code we copied earlier. Use “<img src=”IMAGE LOCATION” /></a>” and replace Image Location with the actual location of the pictures you want to use. Place this code under the “Font” section in the original code. You can place as many images as you want on a page, but remember, too many files, or too big and the page will load slowly, causing users to leave. You must copy the entire “<img src=”IMAGE LOCATION” /></a>” code for each individual image.
Step 6 For A Streaming Movie Site: If you will do a Streaming Movie Site, first you must find a stream of the movie you want to show online. Then, you must see if the host has “Embed” code. If they do, all you need to do is copy the “Embed” line and place it under the font section on your website.
Step 7: Log in to CPALead, and follow the directions to make a New Widget for Images/Movies or whatever niche you have chosen.
Step 8: Copy the code, and place it into the Code we copied originally, between the <head> and <title> sections.
Step 9: Save the file as index.html, and upload it to your favorite host.
Step 10: Test the site. Visit the address, and make sure the CPALead Gateway is popping up to ask you to complete a survey.
Step 11: Log in to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or your favorite Social Networking Site or Chat Room, and ask people to visit your site. Tell them what they can expect to find from your site. If your site is about Britney Spears, find a Britney Spears fan page or chat room, you are much more likely to get people willing to complete the surveys.
Thats it!
You have a working CPALead website. All you need to do now is promote it. Make sure you log into the CPALead Homepage and Click on the “Statistics” tab to see if people are clicking on the offers. If you are receiving 0 clicks, there may be an error in your code. Ask a trusted friend to visit the site from their computer and ask them to click one of the offers if it pops up to make sure everything is ok.

YouTube Method
YouTube can be an amazing source of free traffic, if you have the time and patience to work with it.
Step 1: Decide what Niche/Theme you will target.
Step 2: Create a basic website around that theme, if you do not have one already.
Step 3: Create a new widget for YouTube only, so you can track the results.
Step 4: Create a new YouTube account just for this theme, make the name something Catchy, not spammy sounding.
Step 5: Find some images related to your Niche using google images, and save them to your computer.
Step 6: Using a moviemaker program or “OneTrueMedia”, upload the images and create a simple video.
Step 7: On YouTube, insert a link in the description to your website where CPALead is running. Then upload the video to YouTube.
Step 8: Once your video is uploaded to YouTube, comment on others videos, add new friends, subscribe to other videos.
Step 9: Wait and watch. Money should come in, slowly.
Thats it.
It can be fairly time consuming, but the benefits can be amazing. If your video becomes a hit, you can get thousands of views every day. YouTube is great because as long as you don’t break the rules, you video is permanent, and you will receive views (slowly) forever.
Of course, if you have the knowledge, put more time into your YouTube video, and you will receive much more views and better click through rate.
New Movie Trailers and New Music Releases work best for YouTube.
Teasing Your Visitors
If you are planning to integrate CPALead into an already successful website, you may be afraid that a giant PopUp like CPALead will scare away your visitors. There are several ways around this.
After you Create a Widget, click on it under the “Widget Tab”, and then click “Edit Widget”. You will see several different options, and I will cover a few of them today which should help keep your users coming back day after day.
AccessTimeGlobal: You can set a length of time that will pass between CPALead popups, after a user successfully completes a survey. If you want to grant them lifetime access, leave it set at 0. You can test out different time lengths which work best for your site. I would reccommend leaving it at 0, and only limiting the time if you are seeing SOME conversions, but want a bit more. Start with a 48hour limit and adjust every few days until you are happy.
Enable Close Button: This is a big one. If you have this box checked, users can simply close the button, and browse your website normally without completing a survey. This make it CPALead less likely to scare away visitors, but you will have very low earnings. If you want users to be able to choose whether or not to complete a survey, use a title on your widget like “Please Help Cover The Costs of Hosting, Complete 1 Easy Survey” or “Please Donate” etc.
Close Button Delay: Add a few seconds to this to get a few more click throughs before the users close the gateway.
Tease Time: In my opinion, this is THE most important option you can change in a gateway. Tease time allows users to view your site without any gateway for a set time, and then after the time expires, the gateway popsup. This is great for movies or songs. You can allow the user to watch a portion of the movie, then have the gateway popup asking them to complete the survey to finish the movie. At this point, the user knows you have a legitimate copy of the movie, and they are already into it, so they are MUCH MUCH more likely to complete the survey. You must test different tease times every few days to reach optimal times.
New Tip: Custom Skins
Custom Skins can really be a major difference in how many people fill out your surveys. If you do it right, you can double or triple your conversions. If you do it wrong, you can lose everything.
So, what is right, and what is wrong?
Use a Background picture related to your niche.
Easy to read.
Professional looking.
1 color for entire skin.
Hard to read.
Colors do not mix well.
Cheap and rushed looking.
What this means, is you need to test several different versions of similar skins. Even a few pixels bigger or smaller can make the difference. Create an image, upload it, and actually visit your site to see how it looks.
Here is an example of a great custom skin:
Here are the step by step directions to creating your first custom skin:
1. Create a new .jpg file in Paint or Photoshop, whichever you are most comfortable with.
2. Set the image attributes at Width 530pixels and Height 255pixels. This is a good basic size to start with, and should work for most all widgets.
3. Search Google Images for a picture that relates to the content you are blocking. If you are hosting music, search for music etc.
4. The perfect image is either a mostly black background with an image at the right edge of the picture, or mostly white with an image at the right edge. You can edit with paintshop if needed. I will show an example below…
I simply searched for “movie background” in Google Images, and slightly edited this image to work as a Widget Skin:
5. You can also add a thin border, either red/blue/white, around the entire picture to frame it and make sure it stands out.
6. Now that you have your image, log into CPALead, and click on Widgets, and select the widget that you want to test your new skin on.
7. Upload your skin to imageshack, and copy and Direct Link.
8. In CPALead, click “Edit Widget”, Scroll down and look for “Use Custom Widget Skin” and tick the box. In the box below that, paste your Link from imageshack into the box. Scroll down and save.
9. Now visit your website and have a look at your new gateway. How does it look? Do you like it? If not, edit it slightly and load it again.
10. Run the new skin for a few days, and check to see if your conversions are higher or lower. If higher, great, if lower, try a new skin or go back to the default skin.
I don’t really understand how youy could use Google trends with CPALead. Google Trends niches have very short life spans.
The key is getting your content on the market ASAP. Even though the Trends disappear after a few hours from Google Trends, they are still hot searches for days and months.
The easiest way to do this, is to find a marketable Google Trend, such as a Hot new movie or song, or celebrity video, find a copy of it, upload it to your site, THEN upload a teaser for it to YouTube.
Place your website link in the YouTube description, and start promoting the video. If you are one of the first to get your video up, you can easily get thousands of views and hundreds of hits to your website.
Even though it wont stay a “Hot Trend” forever, people will still stumble upon your video every now and then, resulting in random leads indefinitely for the life time of the video.

CPALead approval tips

How To Get Approved With Cpalead

I have seen many people ask around on how they can get approved with because they have been disapproved. Well now i can tell you that you can get approved with cpalead right away if you use this link by clicking here. Then fill out the required information on the next 2 page’s and you should be done.
You are then ready to login to your new cpalead account and start making your share of the money. For those of you who don’t know what is, it is a website cpa company that lets you place a widget full of surveys on your website so when someone completes a free survey you will get paid. They can pay you many way’s by check, PayPal, Wire transfer and a few more payment options.
You can make such a living online just by using them. Many people already do make a great living from cpalead including myself. Now go on now and sign up with them. What do you have to lose? It’s free anyway!!
Author: Michael Gertsenshteyn Published by How To Make Money Online

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CPALead Basics

As promised, here’s a post dedicated to CPALead tips, tricks, methods and how to make the most money out of it. I will also list some niche that are proven effective with CPALead along with sample website. Nothing is better than seeing live websites earning $ in action. However, the list of CPAlead niches and the sample websites will not be publicly available. I will give it as a document file to those people who signed up or will sign up under my referral link. I will also include 3 bonus pdf’s about CPALead methods. I cannot just give this to anyone because it will not be fair to those people who already signed up under me. So, after you registered under my referral link and got approved, shoot me an email and I will send it to you in the next 24 hours. Include your name (the one you used in your registration to CPALEAD) so I can verify it. Don’t worry, I value your privacy. I will not sell your email or use your name in any other way.


On to the show…
TIPS, Tricks and Methods
1) Unlike the previous version of CPALead gateway that only uses surveys, you now have several options to monetize your content. You can monetize your premium content via surveys, trial offers, purchase offers, payment via SMS or PayPal. At first I was reluctant to implement this other options thinking that no one will ever pay via paypal or SMS just to see the content behind the gateway. I thought people will just complete the survey instead. I WAS WRONG
As you can see in the screenshot, some people are willing to pay straight from paypal rather than spend a couple of minutes to complete a survey. I set the minimum payment to $3. You can change that as to how much you think is right. You can also experiment and change the minimum anytime you want. Checking my paypal history, on the month of December alone, 25 people paid via paypal. That’s additional $64.50 (after paypal fees) on my December earnings.
SMS payment is another matter, although there is higher conversion, the payment is not that great IMO. But it’s better than not having that option. 
2) Use custom skin on your gateway. It was already proven that having custom widget skin can make your conversion higher and so does your earnings. If you are on a movie niche for example and monetizing the Twilight – New Moon movie, use 10 minutes of your time to create a custom skin with the pictures of the main characters.
Sample CPALEAD custom gateway:
3) Fake vs Real Content. Many CPALead publishers use fake content to trick visitors to complete a survey. You will find plenty of those websites. While this will be profitable, it will not be for the long run.
4) Promotion methods/ideas.
A. Youtube. Many will say that youtube is over saturated, nevertheless, it is still effective. Just find a niche that has less competition.
B. Torrents. I once downloaded 3 movies and one of them was password protected. The file came with a text file pointing to a website. Guess what? You will need to complete a CPALead survey to get the password. Imagine downloading the movie for several hours and then you will be greeted with a password file. Rather than downloading another torrent for several hours again, many people will just complete a survey. Imagine doing it for big movies that are so in-demand.  Remember Twilight New Moon? I remember seeing someone making bank of $8,000 in a day from CPALead when that movie came out. (No, it is not a typo. That’s three zeroes out there IN A DAY.)
C. SEO. Nothing beats Search Engine Optimization. This is best for the long run. If you are anticipating a big movie, do SEO work as early as possible.
That’s all for now. I will update this post once I came up with other tips, tricks and methods. Just remember, the possibilities are endless.


CPALead Review

CPALead Review: How To Make Money With CPALead

About CPALead

The Company. CPALead, LLC is a performance-based, online advertising network that develops technologies to promote incentive-based advertisements across niche websites in the niches of video games, entertainment, social networks, vitual worlds, and more.

CPALead specializes in websites that have premium content.

Join CPALead now and start earning money.
Click Here To Join CPALead


CPALead is probably one of the fastest growing CPA networks worldwide.
Their innovative setup and motivation to improve their network is incredible. They basically do anything to become better than any other network out there.

An innovative concept!
First of all they have a great concept: The idea behind CPALead is to protect your website content through a gateway. Only when visitors complete a survey or offer they get access to the content. Especially the surveys are doing very well. People love surveys and they love to let other people know their opinion. That's part of the reason why CPALead works so well.

New Features: SMS, PayPal, Trial Offers
CPALead worked hard to implement new features. By now you can also let people complete trial offers, pay via PayPal or send a paid SMS to unlock your content.
- Paid SMS
- PayPal
- Trial Offers
- Surveys
- Purchase Offers

They also work hard on releaseing new plugins, widgets and tools to help you keep track of your stats. For example they released a iPhone tool and a Firefox plugin that automatically fetches your current earnings of the day.

Protected Downloads
Another new feature is the possiblity to initiate a file download after completing a survey/offer. That's helpful if you don't want your visitors to grab the download links from the source code.

New Dashboard + Interface
The Interface has also been greatly improved and looks a lot better now. The new dashboard quickly gives you an overview of all the important statistics and functions.

User Feedback
CPALead appreciate user feedback. If you are not satisfied with your daily earnings, you can simply submit your feedback and they will work on it.

Increased Payouts
The CPALead staff is also sharing more revenue when you are sending more leads their way. For example they increased my payout two times so far and are paying me two times a month now (instead of just one time).

Click Here to Sign Up to CPALead

How to Make Money With CPALead

We are going to apply for an account on CPALead. From your account you will be able to create gateways(advertisements pop-ups) that will block the content of your website/blog for all your visitors. Once a visitor completes a survey he gains acces to your blog/website. More on this later...

Does it work?

When you have been accepted by CPALead, there is a shoutbox on the home tab(after you logged in). There you'll see plenty of people talking about how much they have earned. So, that's like unlimited proof I think?

***** CPALead pays by PayPal, ACH, Wire Transfer or Check *****
***** Minimum payout is 50$ which you can reach easily*****
***** You CAN NOT use CPALead for 18+ content websites! *****

Let's start...
1) Making a blog/website( People with a blog/website can skip this step!)

Before we can fill out an application for CPALead we will need a blog/website. Now let's start with going to BlueHost and signing up. BlueHost is my preferred host, you can of course always choose the host u prefer!

Once you finished your registration & confirmed your email you will come to a screen with lots of details about your Cpanel log in, ftpserver address etc... It will ask you if you want to print that page, but if you look in the inbox of you email you will see they also emailed you all the details!
!!! Just make sure you never ever delete that email !!!

2) Configuring Wordpress.

Okay, next thing to do is install wordpress ( or any other blog-software you prefer). To do this you just log in at your Cpanel ( log in link & details can be found in the email you received from BlueHost). Once you are logged in you will come to this screen :

On the left side ( big blue sidebar) you will find all the details about your account & website. Now we go the Software & services and we click on Ivista. On the next screen you just click on Proceed. The screen after that shows a list of all types of software you can install on your website. We are going to use wordpress for this tutorial. So you click on the green button behind Wordpress 2.8 and it will be auto-installed on your website. When your installation is completed you get details about your wordpress installation.
!!! Copy these & paste them in a document. These details are important !!!

The next thing we are going to do is configure our wordpress blog so we go to the wordpress login page of our blog. This is simple: " the link of your website /wp-admin " ( for instance http:/ You can find personal login-link in the details which i told you to paste in a document, you link is located next to "Script Admin CP". Now we'll come to a wordpress login page where you will need to enter the details you got after we installed wordpress. This mostly is username: admin & password: your Cpanel password.

Once we have logged in you can start editing you wordpress theme & make some posts on your blog ( write articles, write tutorials,.... whatever your blog is about). Just make sure you have 4-5 posts on your blog!

When you configured your blog the way you want it ( & you at least 4-5 posts/blog entries), you are ready to apply for CPALead To sign up for CPALead just Click Here:

The sign up page is pretty clear I think. Under main website you enter the url of the website you just created, and either you leave Daily views blank or you put in a random number there(like 135).

After you signed up you will have to wait for them to apply your application. It took only 1 day for me... the maximum is 2 days! Don't be afraid your application will get cancelled. It will only get cancelled if your blog contains 18+ content or if you don't have enough posts.

Next thing we're going to do is log into CPALead and create a widget(gateway which will contain the advertisements.) Once we are logged in we go to the widgets tab(on top) and then we see a button on the left sidebar ( + create a new widget). Just select your content type & after that you choose webpaged content. Now complete all the steps & design your widget the way you want it. In the end select Enable 'Adblock Protection and Enable 'Disabled Javascript Protection' . After this you copy the code of your widget and go back to you dashboard ( wordpresslogin of your website). Once you are logged in there, you click on appearance on the left sidebar. After this you click editor and you will see the html codes of your blog. On the right sidebar you select footer.php, this will open the html code of your blog.

Once you pasted the code, click on update file. Now when you click on My Site ( left upper corner) you will be taken to your blog. If you did everything right your content should now be blocked by the widget you created on CPALead!

That's about it, your blog & widget should now be configured. Now it's time to be creative and get as many people as possible to complete a survey for you. Every completed survey will give you 0.50$ to 10$. You can check your earnings in your CPALead account & your can also create more widgets & more blogs to earn more and more. You can also enter you IP in the IP bypass list. All the Ip's in this list won't get a blocked content when they go to your blog. The list is located under the widgettab under general options.

Note: when you get applied to CPALead you'll get a personal Affiliate manager. (help tab when you logged in). You can also ask him for help if you can't get it to work!

& One piece of advice, promoting your website is what it's all about so Think outside the box & you can earn much money with this!

CPALead is Legit LEGIT Company!

CPALead is an Affiliate Network with their own special tools that allow you to make money online from your visitors. Their special tool is a gateway that allows your users to fill out special advertisement offers before landing on your webpage. CPALead promotes incentive based advertisements across all niche sites that include their gateway code on their pages.
CPALead works great for MMORPG Games, Virtual Worlds, Social Networks, Get Paid To Websites, USA Compliant Poker Websites, TV Websites, Celebrities, Blogs, Dating, Video Games, Funny Videos and much more.
They have a $50 Minimum to receive a check. Everything is also based on Net-30, this means you get January’s Income on February 30th.
As you can see, there’s a lot of money to be made with CPALead. You can also add other money making methods with CPALead.
I also need to start working harder and increasing my income with CPALead. By looking at all these numbers, it’s more then possible to make some good money with
I’ll be talking more about other pay per install methods like CPALead in the future.

Ways To Make Money Online With CPALead

  • Make Money with CPALead and YouTube
  • Make Money with CPALead Gateway Sites
  • Make Money with CPALead WordPress Plugin
  • Make Money with CPALead Features (Firefox Plugins, WordPress, Gateway, Virtual Currency, etc)
  • Make Money with Movie & TV Sites
  • Make Money with Computer Applications and Downloads
  • Make Money with CPALead and eBooks
  • Make Money with CPALead and Craigslist
  • Make Money with CPALead and Facebook
  • Make Money with CPALead and File Download
  • Make Money with CPALead and Sidereel